mjrb a bilingual blog

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Visit from Texas and mail from Japan

Hoy Emilio recibio una visita de Texas y un regalo de Japon. La visita fue Amy Nelson, la esposa del primo de Steve, Gary. Por primera vez escuchamos una pequena carcajada de Emilio que le dedico a Amy. Mas tarde, tambien se rio conmigo. Cada dia hace algo nuevo! Amy le trajo dos libros muy lindos, sobre todo Love You Forever.

El regalo era de Barbara Sale, la otra maestra que conoci en China, aqui en la foto a la derecha, con Kathy Kress (la mama de Tao y Maya) . Barbara le mando una hemosa munequita japonesa hecha de madera, un kimono y un babero. Muchas gracias Barbara!

Today Emilio recieved a visit from Texas and a package from Japan. the visit was Amy Nelson, Gary's wife who made Emilio laugh for the first time. Amy brought him two great books, including the great story Love You Forever.

The package was from Barbara Sale (on the right, with Kathy Kress) a good friend I met in China. She sent a pretty wooden japanese doll, a kimono and a bib. Thank you so much, Barb!


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Well, I just read "I Love You Forever," and I'll say this: I'm glad I didn't have to read it out loud to anybody because I'm sure my voice would have cracked.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger lisa said...

it's okay for your voice to crack when you're reading a sweet book. it's cool. not embarrassing.

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I said...I still can't get through it without crying.

At 6:57 AM, Blogger rnr said...

Neither can I (get through it without crying). Everyone can relate to this little book on some level. It is one of Haley's favorite books. I second Lisa's comment as well. I would be interested to know the circumstances of everyone's experience with this book. My friend, Kristin, and I went on a quest and ended at the big 1/2 Price Books in Dallas. We brought it home, and I tried to read it aloud, without success. Everytime I read it, I think I won't be so affected, but I always am. By the way, the title is "Love You Forever" (without the I). I second Lisa's comment.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Maria Jose said...

The first time I read this book I thought it was too sentimental. the second time, I read it to my students because one of them asked me to do it and my voice cracked big time. Since then, I always have it in my classroom library and I encourage my students to read it but I just can't read it aloud.


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