mjrb a bilingual blog

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Time Capsule/La capsula del tiempo

Desde hace unos anos a finales de Diciembre, Steve ha echo su capsula del tiempo, en la que hace lista de los eventos mas importantes del ano, sus peliculas y libros preferidos, noticias importantes, etc.
Yo empece ha hacerlo tambien hace poco y tambien otros miembros de su familia. Es una buena manera de recordar lo que ha pasado en el ano, hacer un balance y bueno, tambien es un buen tema de conversacion.
Este ano que tenemos el blog tanto el, yo como sus hermanos vamos a publicar partes de esta capsula para compartir con el resto de los parientes.
Aqui va la primer tanda.

Here is the first entry of my time capsule.

Pop Culture and The Arts/Cultura y arte
(Primera parte)

I. Favorite Movies/Películas preferidas
1. Brokeback Mountain
2. Imaginary Heroes
3. My Summer of Love
4. Nine Lives
5. Junebug
6. Downfall
7. Dear Frankie
8. Ballad of Jack and Rose
9. Mad Hot Ballroom
10. March of the Penguins

II. Most Watched TV Shows/Programas de television preferidos
1. ER
2. Battlestar Galactica
3. Medium
4. Grey’s Anatomy
5. The Closer

III. Favorite Books
1. Pregnancy Week by Week and Your Baby First Year Week by Week
2. Atonement, Ian McEwan
3. Lost in a Good Book, by Jasper Fforde
4. The Spirit Catches you and you fall down, by Anne Fadiman
5. The Autograph Man, by Zadie Smith


At 10:41 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Que curioso: me gustaron todas las pelis que incluiste en tu lista y ninguno de los programas de television.

At 12:31 PM, Blogger lisa said...

Your time capsule has reminded me that I also really liked The Closer. I am not going to edit my time capsule anymore than i already have though so I will claim it here. Melissa and I watched Mad Hot Ballroom last weekend and loved it. Look for our impressions on one of our blogs soon. AND I am reading Lost in a Good Book right now. So it looks to me like you are my trendsetter. I love you for it. Keep blazing my trail!


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