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Ahora que se me ha pasado el miedo a ahogarlo, Emilio esta banandose casi todos los dias. A veces espero hasta que empieze a funcionar el radiador para que el bano este caliente pero otras veces, por impaciente, la hora que es o porque el chavalin ya esta muy sucio, no espero. Y aqui puenden ver la cara de frio que tiene!
La banera que me prestaron es muy grande asi que usamos el lavabo y entra perfectamente.
Cuando el abuelo Jaime estuvo aqui, le compro un jabon liquido de Camomila que huele riquisimo. Es de la marca California Baby, totalmente natural.
Now that I'm not worrying anymore about drowning him, Emilio is taking baths almost everyday. Some times I wait until the heat is on so the bathroom is warm, but other times because I'm impatient, or it is getting late or he is simply too dirty, I don't. You can see in the picture how cold he was this time, poor baby.
My friend Heidi let us borrow her daughter's tub but it's a little too big, so we use the sink. He fits perfectly. I use the liquid soap his grandfather Jaime bought when he was here. It smells like Camomille and it's called California Baby.
I appreciate you making your entries bi-lingual, but I am afraid it will cause you to post less because it is more work. Lisa has agreed to translate for me and I will just "comment" in English.
Your boy is beautiful...and appears very clean in the photo. That soap must be working. :-)
This is about your video debut but I found no place to "comment" about it. Let me first say that I think there is no more important work to be done in the world than for great teachers to teach. I was absolutely enthralled and enchanted with your "book groups" for third graders. Clearly, you are one of the greats, and I am, personally, so very proud of you. Keep up the wonderful work. These children will remember you and be influenced by you for the rest of their lives. What more could a person ask?
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