Primeras lecturas

Para Navidad recibio de regalo muchos libros hermosos pero uno de mis preferidos es El Libro de la Paz. El concepto de la paz a veces puede ser dificil de explicar a ninos pequenos pero en este libro lo hacen de manera hermosa y original: "La paz es que todas las personas tengan comida", "La paz es ayudar a los vecinos", "La paz es viajar a otros lugares", "La paz es hablar muchos idiomas" entre otros. No solo habla de paz sino de igualdad, justicia y solidaridad. Por ahora, Emilio solo aprecia los colores brillantes de las paginas pero se que con el tiempo aprendera a apreciar su mensaje.
The baby book we use as reference recommends reading to your child since they are really young but I only started recently to read to him. It's just that Emilio's attention span is really short and well, he can't hold the book yet.
For Christmas he received lots of beautiful books but one of my favorites is the Peace Book, by Todd Parr. I think the concept of peace could be hard to explain to little kids sometime but this book does it in a very beautiful and original way: "Peace is keeping the water blue for all the fish", "Peace is listening to different kinds of music", "Peace is traveling to different places" and "Peace is having enough pizza in the world for everyone". It talks about peace, but also justice, equality and solidarity. For now, I'm happy to see Emilio enjoying the colorful pages. I know eventually he'll learn to appreciate the message as well.
This is the author's website:
Me encanta esta foto de ustedes leyendo. Quien la tomo?
Ah, un loco que paso por casa con una camara...
Da acuerdo que esta foto esta muy bonita. Y conoczo el libre y da acuerdo de esta mensaje.
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