Emilio's First Valentine's Day

Ayer Martes fue el dia de San Valentin y Emilio lo celebro jugando con los cubos que le regalaron sus tias Lisa y Melissa. Los cubos son de diferentes colores y texturas. El amarillo tiene un espejo, el verde vibra y el rojo y el azul tienen diferentes texturas.
Para su primer San Valentin, Emilio recibio una tarjeta de mi amiga Kathy y su familia que viven en Denver. Yo los conoci en China, cuando Tao, su hijo mayor, tenia tres anos. Ahora Tao esta en 4to grado y cada ano he ido a visitarlos a Denver. Este ano no pude y los extrano mucho. Tengo muchas ganas de que conozcan a Emilio. Tanto Tao como su hermana Maya son ninos maravillosos y muy carinosos con otros ninos.

Se que extranan mucho a Finnegan, que murio hace un tiempo.
Yesterday was V-Day, the first one for Emilio. He played with the cubes he got for Christmas from his aunties Lisa and Melissa.
He also recieved a very nice card from Kathy Kress and her family, Mike, Tao and Maya. They live in Denver and we met in China when Tao was 3 years old (the day I met him he ate a whole Pizza Hut pizza all by himself. I was really impressed. It was really love at first sight for the two of us) He is in 4th grade now and one of my favorite people in the whole world. His sister Maya is one of the sweetest girls I've known. I usually go to visit them every year but this year I couldn't make it and I miss them a lot. Both Tao and his sister Maya (here in the picture with their dogs, Fiona and Finnegan. (I know they miss Finnegan who died not long ago) are very sweet so I can't wait for them to meet Emilio.
Me encanta la foto que tomaste de Emilio y los cubos!
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