Emilio goes to school/Emilio va a la escuela
Emilio fue a mi escuela, Belmont-Cragin, de visita. Vio a todos mis alumnos, a las maestras y dejo que todos lo mimaran. La sustituta que esta en mi clase es muy buena y los ninos estan aprendiendo mucho.
De vuelta, vinimos en coche con mi companera Damaris (en la foto) que generosamente nos trajo a casa.

Me olvide de mostrale el mural que hicimos hace dos anos con Jim, su abuelo de Texas. La proxima vez...
Today I took Emilio to visit my school and to meet my students and the other teachers. We had a good time in my classroom talking to my students. They all liked Emilio and gave nice letters with great pictures. I could see Ms. Walsh is doing a great job: the classroom looked great and the kids seemed to be learning a lot.
We chat with the other teachers;they took turns holding him, I fed him and I even changed his twice. By the time it was time to come back home he had no clean pants.

I forgot to show Emilio the mural we made two years ago with Jim, su abuelo de Texas. Maybe next time.
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