Daily Changes/Cambios diarios

En unas semanas vuelvo a trabajar asi que quiero aprovechar estos ultimos dias de libertad que me quedan. He vuelto a ir al gimnasio, hoy fui al cine, he salido a pasear y de compras, he escrito a nuevos amigos y estoy pensando en apuntarme a una clase de cocina y a otra de language de

signos. No se cuanto voy a hacer pero por ahora disfruto con
lo planes.
Tambien por supuesto sigo disfrutando de Emilio. Es increible como esta cambiando diariamente. De repente un dia empieza a patear mas que nunca, otro dia hace sonidos nuevos que parece que esta respondiendo a lo que le decimos y otro dia ya empieza pararse cuando lo sujetamos de las manos. Tambien esta empezando a jugar con munecos de peluche, colchas o cualquier cosa que se le ponga en las manos.
Me encanta mirarlo cuando duerme, sobre todo cuando pone el brazo detras de la cabeza.
In a few more weeks I'll go back to work so I've decided to enjoy my last days of freedom. I've started going to the gym, I went to the movies today, I've done some shopping, reading, getting in touch with old friends and I'm thinking about signing up for cooking and sign language classes. We'll see how much I actually do, but for now I've enjoyed just planning it.
I'm also enjoying spending time with Emilio. He is really changing in front of our eyes. One day he starts kicking, the next day he can lift himself up, every day he makes new sounds and although slowly he continues growing. I love watching him sleep, specially when he puts his arms behind his head. He is also making new noises and communicating more. Sometimes it seems he can understand what we say and that he is trying to respond to it.
I love it also when he plays with stuffed animals, quilts or whatever ends up in his hands.
Y que pensaste de esa pelicula que viste? Cual fue?
The days of babyhood, including the toddler period, are so precious and so fleeting. My computer screen saver constantly recycles in random order all the digital images I have of Haley from infancy through today. So an image of when she was just tiny will appear followed by one I took yesterday. The time has seemed to pass just that fast as well. I love this history that you and Steve are making of Emilio's days. I think baby signing is a wonderful idea - here are some sites (that you've probably already visited): http://www.babysigns.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=aboutus.main and http://www.signingbaby.com/ Good luck, Maria... From the photos, I think I can see that Emilio has your eyes, not just in color but in shape and intensity. He really seems involved in his life, and thoughtful.
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