Pues eso, pues nada, Emilio ya es oficialmente espanol. Ya esta registrado en el Consulado espanol en Chicago con su nombre oficial Emilio Ruiz Benton. Fue un poco complicado porque queriamos mi apellido antes que el del padre y bueno, Espana parece andar un poquito atrasada con respecto al tema de los apellido. Ah, las sociedades patriarcales! Yo renove mi pasaporte espanol y me dieron el nuevo modelo. Es muy bonito, con animales en cada pagina y un mapa del mundo donde muestra donde migra cada animal.
Parece que hoy ya vuelve el frio, pero en los ultimos dias ha seguido el buen tiempo y Emilio y yo hemos salido a pasear. Ayer, quedamos con mi amiga Kristen (papa y mama probaron su sopa de verduras exquisita que ella preparo para mi cuando nacio Emilio) y los tres nos fuimos a Sweet Ocassions tomar smoothies y comer ensaladas y sandwiches. Emilio durmio casi todo el rato pero abrio los ojos cuando abri el libro que Kristen le habia traido.
A couple of days ago I went to Spanish Consulate to pick up my new Spanish passport (they gave me the new one, with animals in each page, really pretty) and they told me Emilio was already registered as a Spanish citizen.
I wonder if now he will start swearing in Spanish!Before the cold weather comes back, Emilio and I are going out often to enjoy fresh air and sun. Yesterday we met with my friend Kristen, (who cooked a great vegetable soup for me after Emilio was born) and went to Sweet Ocassions to eat and
chat. Emilio slept the whole time but he woke up in time to check out the new book Kristen got for him. I was worry when he was born because I hadn't bought any books for him but fortunately, friends and relatives are helping us build a nice library for him.
¡Que guay, chavalin!Miguel de Cervantes, Fray Luis de Leon, Miguel Hernández, Federico García Lorca, antonio Machado, Juan José Millás, Maruja Torres, Eduardo Haro Teglen, Angel González, Manuel Vicent, Joan Manuel Serrat, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Jaime, María Rosa, Gerardo y Gimena ¡te dan la bienvenida!
Thanks to Kristen and Bob for the book My Friends. When I read it to Emilio, I felt encouraged to make the sounds of the animals it introduces as the little girl's friends. The first friends introduced were dogs, cats, horses and roosters, so that was easy. Then came the ant, the rabbit, and, I believe, the butterfly and I felt that I had gotten in a little over my head.
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