mjrb a bilingual blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Inspira poemas/ Inspiration

No paran las sorpresas que nos trae el correo ultimamente. El Martes llego un paquete de Paris para Emilio y al abrirlo, otra vez, no pude contener las lagrimas: Gimena y Gerardo, los tios de Emilio le mandaron un hermoso poema enmarcado con su foto.

Emilio: Fondo y Figura

A miles de kilómetros te vemos
Emilio Ruiz, Benton, Blanco, Frank, Morales, etc…
Hombre Americano, europeo, indígena, conquistador
Negro, blanco, verde, rosa, oriental y occipital.

Para nosotros,
Ya eres superhombre, mujer revolucionaria, panteísta
Hablador de lenguas raras.

Estás sentado sobre el cuero,
Pero, detras,
Las ramas de un árbol crecen hacia el cielo.

Tu gesto nos reta y nos entusiasma.

Emilio, tu eres una pequeña mota de nuestra felicidad
Y de un universo del que ya no sabemos casi nada.
Estamos en tus manos,
Abrázalo, construyenos otra vez.

Tus tíos,
Gimena y Gerardo

Junio 06

What a surprise the mail brought us from France on Tuesday: a beautiful framed poem for Emilio written by my brother and sister. Here's a translation:

Emilio: Background and Figure

We see you from a thousand miles away
Emilio Ruiz, Benton, Blanco, Frank, Morales, etc. . . .
American, european, indigenous, conquistador,
Black, white, green, pink, oriental and occipetal.

For us
You are already a superman, revolutionary woman, pantheistic
Speaker of strange languages.

You are sitting on leather,
But, behind you,
The branches of a tree grow towards the sky.

Your expression challenges us and raises our spirits.

Emilio, you are a small mote of our happiness
And of a universe of which we know almost nothing.
We are in your hands,
Embrace it, build us again.

Your aunt and uncle,
Gimena and Gerardo.

June 06.


At 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

¿Qué puedo decir Emilio? Que en Madrid hay sequía pero en estos dos últimos días en casa han llovido lágrimas
Pienso además que cuando lee este poema -la idea y el amor que contienen- siente que pese a todos los errores que cometemos los padres, lo esencial se ha transmitido y ha cuajado

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Que es la vida?
Los suenos imposibles posibles son
en los ojos y las vidas de ninos nuestros y en los de ellos.
By which I wished to say:
What is life?
The impossible dreams are possible in the eyes and the lives of our children and theirs.
El viejo Benton

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emilio is much loved to inspire such beautiful poetry. I hope he inherits the romance from his tio and tia from Paris.

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Maria Jose said...

Jim, I hope you are right.

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Maria Jose said...

Mama, a pesar de todo no salimos tan mal no?

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Maria Jose said...

Granmother, sometimes I think that if Emilio is just a little bit like many of his relatives he'll be very sentimental

At 7:31 PM, Blogger rnr said...

I can tell by all the lovely fotos of Emilio and the adventures he is already having with his wonderful parents, friends, family, that he will be a thoughtful person of character, integrity, and dignity tempered by laughter and fun. Long live Emilio, and may he and his contemporaries lead our way!

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, i couldn't agree more... Emilio is indeed a wonderful and loved child and it's easy to find inspiration for the parents or the people who are able to see and behold him for that matter...And that includes me...hahaha

Maria and Steve, your love and care (and lots of picture-taking : )) is definitely a source of inspiration for us, parents too, in relating with our children. With all your devotion and patience...Emilio is very lucky indeed to have parents like you.

With all our good wishes,

April, Gabie and Ronald Yago

At 2:08 PM, Blogger Maria Jose said...

Hi guys, I hope you are doing well too. Did you see the pretty picture of all of you in my blog?
send more!


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