Cooking obsession/Loca por la cocina

Y claro, que haría un cocinero primerizo como yo si no tuviera un comensal agradecido? Afortunadamente, Emilio disfruta de todo lo que le estoy preparando. En estas tres semanas desde que está comiendo comida, ya ha probado una gran lista de cosas:

Mantequilla, aceite de oliva, pimienta negra, perejil
Asi con cara de ido se queda Emilio despues de comer tanto.
Los próximos sabores que va a probar son: compota de frutos secos, yogurt y maiz, probablemente la semana que viene. Lo cierto es que he cocinado tanto y tengo ya tanta comida congelada que si cocino más vamos a tener que comprar otra nevera para guardar todo.
Steve me comentaba ayer que Emilio come más saludable que nosotros. Es cierto. En general, todos los productos que uso para alimentarlo son orgánicos y no le añado sal ni azúcar a nada. (Si él realmente pertenece a esta familia descubrirá los dulces a su debido tiempo y serán su perdición. Por ahora, que coma saludable.) Algo parecido me comentaba mi amigo Chor, sobre como sus hijos también comen todo orgánico pero él y su mujer no porque es demasiado caro. Ah, los sacrificios de los padres! Me gustaría probar algun día, tal vez cuando Emilio tenga 3 o 4 años hacer lo que leí en un artículo de una de las revistas para padres que recibo: durante una semana comió lo mismo que su hijo (en una cantidad mayor, por supuesto.) Se sorprendió lo bien que se sentía al final de la semana y además perdió un par de kilos. Eso si, acabó harta de guisantes y hechó en falta el chocolate.
If someone had told me a year ago, I was going to be getting up at 5 in the morning to cook, I would’ve told them they’re crazy. However, this is what’s happening now. I’m having so much fun cooking for Emilio, as soon as I open my eyes I start thinking: What am I going to cook today?
It’s not that I didn’t like getting up early before, or that I didn’t think about food all the time, but I never really enjoyed cooking that much until Emilio was born. People who love to cook have told me that to them it is like creating something, like expressing their creativity. Could it be that now that I have “created” Emilio I feel can take on other creative challenges?
Of course, where would a chef be without the enthusiasm of her audience? I’ve been lucky Emilio likes everything I cook so far. In just a few weeks he has tried so many different flavors: banana, apple, pear, papaya, peach, sweet potato, potato, rutabaga, parsnips, turnips, leek, avocado, zucchini, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, squash and a vegetable broth made with veggies including onions and spices such as peppercorns, parley, olive oil and butter.
Steve mentioned yesterday Emilio eats healthier than the two of us, since most of the ingredients I use for cooking are organic. He feels our diet might improve now that I’m cooking more often. (I feel I eat pretty healthy already, if only I could do without chocolate …)
My friend Chor, who has two kids, also mentioned to me once how his children eat everything organic, but he and his wife just get regular produce because it is cheaper. Ah, the sacrifices we make for our kids!
Maybe some day, when Emilio is 3 or 4, I'll try what one mom I read about did (I read the article in one of the many parent magazines I subscribe to): for a whole week she ate the same thing her toddler ate. She was surprised to see how well she felt at the end of the week, with more energy and a few pounds less. She got sick of peas, though, and really missed chocolate.
You know, if someone told me today that five years from now I'd be getting up at 5 in the morning on Sundays to cook--and loving it--I would tell them they are crazy.
I am impressed, though, with the hard work you're putting into Emilio's daily menu. I've tasted a lot of these culinary experiments and have found them to be quite savory--with the exception of that one dish that had peas in it. Ugh. Frankly, I don't know how he kept it down. Have I ever told you about that scientific report that came out on the taste of peas?
If someone told me that five years from now Steve would be getting up at 5 in the morning for ANY reason, I would tell them they are crazy.
It's so interesting, this challenge to find the creative cook within ourselves. I love to cook, but it seems it's still easy to get into a rut. About peas - after a lifetime of hating them, (I used to make both Jen and Nancy eat 5 peas when I served them) to Jen, they're now a delicacy that she loves. She buys them frozen, barely cooks them, adds butter and seasoned salt and eats them all by themselves. They're actually quite tasty that way, seriously. What about the scientific pea-tasting report?
Most of the foods that you mentioned are ones that I enjoy on a fairly regular basis - I think one must have either turnips or parsnips or rutabagas as acompletely necessary part of a good vegetable soup (I call this addition my secret ingredient).
Congratulations on going organic with Emilio!
I think the report on peas was published in either The Scientific American or in Science. After an exhaustive study, researchers found that peas taste bad. You can look it up. It's not opinion, folks, it's science.
I love this idea about cooking! I also enjoy cooking and I know my kids enjoy eating the food I cook for them!
Hello Maria, Steve, and Emilio,
I love the site! The photos are great - especially the one with mouths wide open. I agree that cooking becomes much more interesting when you have some one to do it for.
Yo de cocina, fatal. Pero soy capaz de reconocer que cuando uno se pone a crear ya no puede parar. !Y no paráis¡ Sigo enamorado de esta página, de vuestras fotos, de vuestras ideas, de cómo escribes, Mari Jo, de lo humano y soreprendente que es todo.
De lo fantástico que es tener un hijo, aunque como creo que ya te conté, cuando empiezan a ser preadolescentes, el asunto ya no es tan encantador, aunque sigue siendo fascinante.
¿Cuándo te contaré yo lo que hacemos?
Seguid tan guapos!!!!
I would like to get new recipies so if anyone has one to share with me I'll love to try it. I don't know about wasabi though, since I don't like it. I do want Emilio to try sushi. I love sushi!
Emilio, no tenés aún ni idea de lo que has conseguido, que tu madre haya comenzado a cocinar ¡y lo diga con placer! Los giros que da la vida son imprevisibles, yo siempre he dicho que no me gusta cocinar y por eso aprendí a hacer comidas ricas y rápidas pero con los años me he dado cuenta que es un momento de buen relax, que me gusta elegir muy bien los alimentos y prepararlos y cuando los comensales comen - escuchá Emilio porque tendrás que hacerlo pronto- estoy esperando que me elogien.
Tengo muchas ganas que Emilio pruebe tu comida, mama.
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