With Mom and Dad/ Con mamá y papá

Although we tried not to spend too much money on clothes, he is growing so I use that as an excuse to buy new things. Last weekend I went through his "old" clothes (from when he was a little baby) and made a pile for Jack and Julie. Steve said it was sad in a way to let these clothes go. I always heard people saying it's hard sometimes to see your children grow and I thought that was silly. Well, maybe it is not so silly after all. I was thinking about when he was really little and couldn't do much, just stay there in my arms. Now, he can kick himself out of your arms if you don't hold him tight.
Cada vez que el tiempo está lindo aprovechamos y sacamos a Emilio a pasear. Cuando no está bajo cero, incluso sale sin su traje de nieve y puede lucir ropa nueva, como estos pantalones de corduroy que le compré por Internet. Aunque intento no gastar mucho dinero en ropa ahora tengo la excusa de que está creciendo y ya no le entra lo de antes. Este fin de semana pasado preparé una bolsa con la ropa de él de cuando era “chiquito” para prestarle a Jack y Julie que esperan un bebé y me acordaba de cuando no podía hacer nada más que quedarse tranquilito en mis brazos. Ahora pega unas patadas cuando lo agarramos que si no lo sujetamos bien se escaparía.
I wonder what Emilio will end up wearing more often: the cords his Mom buys for him or the jeans he sees me wearing. I must admit he looks good in the cords.
he also looks cute in his ugs.
he's just plain fetching really.
I think he'll probably rather be naked, specially in the summer
he also looks cute naked.
go baby go!
Ok, I must weigh in now, since I obviously have the most "parenting" experience among y'all. Boys LOVE to be naked. And from my experience, it's not limited to the young. Emilio looks adorable not matter what's he's wearing. I love looking at his picture on my refrigerator and I can't wait to hold him again. You know, he and I have this bond...
I just read my comment and the "naked" thing sounds horrid. Scratch that from the registry.
I did some editing on my return from Mexico. I do not, in anyway approve of the evil done to women and children. After I reread the narrative I realized that I must have been half asleep and it could have been taken different than I wanted.
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