Perfect Weekend/ El fin de semana perfecto

The first one was on Saturday morning around our neighborhood. Emilio wore his corduroy pants for the first time. I felt pretty unoriginal when I realized everyone else had the same idea. Clark Street was so full of people it made me think of China: when we lived there, I felt there were hundreds of people around me all the time. (this was not the only time I was reminded of China this weekend) After walking for a little while, Emilio and I headed home (Steve stayed in one of this “offices”) and on the way, we stopped by the UPS store to say hi to one of the workers there who is expecting a baby. She loves seeing Emilio. We talked about the pregnancy book I got for her and about how she is getting ready for the baby.
Later that night, under rain and thunder the three of us went out again. This is probably one of the few times Emilio didn’t fall asleep right away. As a matter of fact this time he stayed awake for awhile, watched the lights and felt the breeze on his cheeks. I think he really enjoyed it.
Sunday was Dim Sum day with our friends from the Lamaze class. Angel and Dhyana brought

Una de mis actividades preferidas (que creo que he heredado de mi madre) es dar paseos y ahora, lo que más me gusta es salir a pasear con Steve y Emilio. Este fin de semana el tiempo estuvo tan lindo que pudimos dar tres paseos. El primero fué por el barrio. Emilio y yo acompañamos a Steve a una de sus “oficinas” (en el camino compré chocolates) y después de pasear y dejarlo a él trabajando volvimos a casa. En el camino pasé a saludar a la empleada de UPS con la que charlo a menudo sobre todo ahora que está embarazada. Conversamos sobre el libro sobre embarazo que le regale y ella se puso contenta de ver a Emilio, que le dedicó una sonrisa.
Esa noche, a pesar de la lluvia y la tormenta que había no hacía frío asi que salimos los tres otra vez. Esta vez Emilio no se quedó dormido sino que parece que disfrutó de las luces y la brisa.

Mari - it's really nice that I can "see" your neighborhood now instead of just imagining it. I really like it and enjoyed the walks through and around it. Are Dyana, Angel, and Mariana close enough that Emilio and Mariana can visit often? Children and babies so enjoy one another. The photos of the two of them are so cute, especially the one where they are looking at one another.
I'm looking forward to going on lots of walks with you guys this summer (and spring--if it ever gets here). Of all the walks we've taken, I think the ones I remember most clearly are those we used to take around the Xiamen University campus in the evenings. How about you?
emilio is quite the fashion plate. he is a super cutie!
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