
El Martes fué mi primer día de trabajo. Me costó irme de casa y despedirme de Emilio. Llegué a la escuela, organize un poco la lección y a las 9 llegaron los alumnos. A las 9:05 entró mi compañera Damaris con unas cartas muy lindas que mis alumnos de año pasado habian escrito para Emilio y empece a llorar. Son una cartas muy lindas en las que los alumnos le dan consejos sobre cosas que debe hacer en su vida.
Estos son algunos de los consejos: “no tomes drogas ni fumes”, “aprende a sobrevivir en la naturaleza por las dudas”, “agradece a tu mama y a tu papá por todo lo que hacen por ti” , "no pegues a las ninas"
Fué un detalle hermoso. Gracias a Damaris y a los alumnos de 4to grado!
Cuando llegué a casa Gladys me dijo que Emilio había llorado mucho. De hecho, estaba llorando cuando llegué pero se calmó enseguida que me vió. Parece que él también me extrañó tanto como yo a él.
Tuesday was my first day back to school. I got to work by 8:00 and by 9:00 when the students came in I was already crying. Let me explain: Damaris, the 4th grade teacher came in with beautiful letter my former student had written for Emilio. It was the sweetest thing! The letters were full of advice:
“I think you should learn and think with your brain. you should learn to swim to be athletic"
"Here are some things you should know: stay in school until you graduate; be nice to girls (don't hit them) and stay away from drugs"
"I recommend that you don't make a dog mad"
"Brush your teeth"
"You need to know how to survive in the wild just in case you go on a trip"
My students asked me often about Emilio that day. They insisted I should bring him with me sometime soon.
How long do you think we should wait before enrolling Emilio in wilderness survival classes?
Well, what sage advice from students who clearly love you and care about your life and your baby.
Julie, Ruth, you are right, the kids give really good advice. If only they could it themselves...
I can't believe little e is not already in wilderness survival classes. as a self-proclaimed expert on child neglect, i must warn you that this is borderline. i advise you to take care of it immediately.
Just yesterday I left Emilio in the middle of his play blanket with nothing but a diaper, a onesie and his wits. He survived.
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