The Big 4/Emilio cumple 4 meses

I think it’ll be fun when he starts trying new foods. Yesterday I bought a baby food cook book at Women and Children First and I’ll start practicing cooking food for him soon. I know it’s a little early but since I’m not a good cook I know I’ll need lots of practice. I would like for him to eat healthy and homemade meals as much as possible. (
A little while ago, while he was sleeping UPS delivered a huge box addressed to him. I couldn’t remember ordering anything lately and when I opened it I realized that it held presents for him for Kathy, Mike, Tao and Maya (from Denver). As soon as I saw the first giftI started to cry and I didn’t stop for about 7 minutes. Once I got ahold of myself I called Kathy to thank her for the gift: a very special quilt representing Emilio’s cultural heritage. On one side, it has the map of the world and on the other several objects/places representing him: half a U.S. flag and half a Spanish flag; the states of Illinois and Texas; the Great Wall of China separating the two flags and a mate(for drinking Argentinean tea), from Argentina. It’s just perfect! It also has a nice message written on it: “Emilio, this is your world. Cherish the beauty within it. Strive to change the rest.”
Later I looked at the rest of the items in the box and I loved every single one of them: boots for winter (for when he’s a little bit older), Chinese and Japanese outfits, the vest Tao wore when Kathy and Mike got married, a winter fleece and lots of great and colorful books. Thank you guys! Kathy and her family are going to Panama (where they have some land) for a couple of weeks and I hope they have wonderful time there. Hopefully someday, Steve, Emilio and I will be able to go there and spend some time with them.
Emilio cumplió 4 meses hoy y yo lo celebré comiendome una torta de chocolate (y manchandolo de migas mientras le di torta para que la oliera) Hoy salí con compañeras de la escuela y cuando llegué a casa Emilio estaba muy contento porque acababa de comer. Jugamos un rato y después él me miró mientras yo me comía la torta. Le gusta mucho verme comer, sobre todo cuando hago ruidos al masticar. Creo que lo vamos a pasar muy bien cuando empiece a comer comidas. Ayer compre un libro de recetas para niños en la libreria de niños y mujeres de al lado de casa y quiero empezar a practicar. Ya sé que es un poco pronto, pero como no soy muy buena cocinera mejor que empiece ahora. Me gustaría que el comiera comidas saludables y caseras en la medida de lo posible.

What a priceless gift! I feel certain that this will be very, very special to Emilio as he grows - it's so colorful as well.
I'm so glad to hear your comments about Emilio's food. I have been on a soapbox ever since Haley was born about organic foods. I have long theorized that hormones, especially estrogen, in the "meats" and dairy products are responsible for little girls going into puberty so much earlier, as well as for effeminate traits in boys. Recently I was informed of a study that shows that girls are starting their menstrual cycle a full two years earlier, and that boys are showing more and more effeminate characteristics, e.g., their hands. For the most part, Haley has a really good and varied diet, but certainly not as organic as I wish for her. I remember seeing a Whole Foods (near Evanston?) there. Hope it's not too far or too inconvenient for you to take advantage of it as much as possible.
How are hands an effeminate characteristic?
If I were a guest star on Seinfeld, would Elaine avoid dating me because I have "woman hands"?
Organic foods. Woo-hoo!
Pienso que Emilio tendrá una alimentación saludable tarta de chocolate, los bombones y los helados, con esa madre, llegarán muy pronto a su vida.
First, you do not have effeminate or woman hands. Hands are always the first thing I notice about people - yours are strong, supple, thin, and artistic. Effeminate hands, to me, look weak and soft. But, I'm sure that you'll start to notice hands now that you're wondering about them. I love Elaine and that might be a quirk that she would have and would learn a lesson about during the course of the show. Also, I'm not saying that boys who have an effeminate feature are effeminate. I'm saying that their diet can certainly be a factor in their development. And, I think it's important to have as organic a diet as possible so that environmental factors have as small an influence as possible. I make that trip to Whole Foods often, especially for dairy and produce, not only for Haley but for me and Gene as well. I think Nancy tries to have organic milk, but I don't think she buys organic meat - I don't want to know.
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