Los Bellos Durmientes/Sleeping beauties

This is what Steve and Emilio looked like when I left for school this morning. It was hard to leave them! I wanted to lie in the couch with them and go to sleep.
Así estaban Emilio y Steve hoy cuando salí para el trabajo. Me dió mucha pena irme! Me hubiera gustado recostarme con ellos en el sofá y dormir un rato mas.
Last week, Emilio was on his tummy when I left. La semana pasada igual, pero Emilio estaba dormido boca abajo.

I can't wait to see what they'll look like next! A ver con que me sorprende la próxima vez!
I love that top photo. I think it somehow makes Emilio and me look like two pals who just fell asleep on the same couch together after a long day of running around. I also think it's funny that I was sleeping on a propped elbow. At least I took my glasses off, though (unlike the bottom photo).
these guys are living the life no?
There's nothing quite like sleeping with a baby.
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